CooperVision Helps Lenardo Attend University
At eight years old, Lenardo noticed a problem with his vision.
"The chalkboard was a complete blur to me which made learning very difficult. I would take 10 times longer to read one sentence than my classmates. So I felt very behind," recalls Lenardo. "My learning capacity started to decline and, as my vision got worse, I had to depend more on my friends, teachers and family to keep up with all my work."
Over time, his eyesight deteriorated to the point where he could barely see.
Lenardo heard about the services offered at the University of Lurio’s optometry school in Mozambique and immediately went for an eye exam. He was diagnosed with corneal opacity and keratoconus and was referred to an ophthalmology clinic, which later sent him to India for a corneal transplant.
He later returned to the clinic to collect his pair of prescribed spectacles.
“This is the finishing touch for me. It’s been a long journey, both physically and emotionally, so to finally be able to see clearly today is amazing. I am so grateful,” he commented.
Lenardo says his family is very happy for him.“ Since getting back my vision, I also got my independence back. My parents are a lot more stress free and they are very happy I will be attending university,” he said. “Thank you for my second chance at life.”
The optometry program at the University of Lurio in Mozambique has produced 13 degree qualified optometrists, who are now employed by the Ministry of Health to work in public hospitals. There are another 73 students in the program.
CooperVision, through its support of Optometry Giving Sight, has played a vital role in support of the school. The optometry program is a collaboration with the Brien Holden Vision Institute, the Mozambique Ministry of Health, the Dublin Institute of Technology and the Irish Embassy in Mozambique.