- CooperVision Limited (company number 03685161) with its registered address at Delta Park, Concorde Way, Segensworth North, Fareham, Hampshire, PO15 5RL, UK
- CooperVision Manufacturing Limited (company number 02737396) with its registered address at Delta Park, Concorde Way, Segensworth North, Fareham, Hampshire, PO15 5RL, UK
- CooperVision SAS (company number 392 002 218) with its registered address at Les Collines De Sophia, 1800 Route Des Cretes, Sophia Antipolis 06905, Cedex, France
- CooperVision Italia, S.R.L. (company number 10653750157) with its registered address at Via Meravigli, 16 – 20123 Milan, Italy
- CooperVision Iberia, S.L. (company number 79424594) with its registered address at Ronda de Poniente, 12, 28760 Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain
- CooperVision Nordic AB (company number 556568-1243) with its registered address at Johan Willins gata 8, SE-41664 Goteborg, Sweden
- CooperVision GmbH (company number HRB 33358) with its registered address at Siemensstraße 3, 64859, Epperthausen, Germany
- CooperVision Nederland B.V. (company number 23075034) with its registered address at Avelingen - West 40, 4202, MS Gorinchem, Netherlands
- CooperVision Poland Sp. z o.o. (company number 0000464435) with its registered address at ul. Domaniewska 44, 02-672 Warsaw, Poland
- CooperVision Kft (company number 01-09-166734) with its registered address at Sopron ut 25-27, Budapest, 1117, Hungary
- CooperVision Limited, organizacni slozka (company number 24838411) with its registered address at Na Pankráci 1724/129, Praha 4, 140 00, Czech Republic
- CooperVision Distribution Sprl (company number 0879.484.449) with its registered address at Premiere Avenue 32, B-4040, Belgium
- CooperVision Inc. (company number C1893655) with its registered address at 6150 Stoneridge Mall Rd, Suite 370, Pleasanton, CA 94588, USA
Updated on 14/09/2018