Biofinity® toric & Biofinity® XR toric
Designed by a world leader in toric contact lenses for outstanding vision and incredible comfort.†1,2
Features and Benefits
- Consistent, exceptional vision clarity, powered by a world-leading toric design†1,3
- Comfort and good vision, even with high levels of astigmatism
- Vision correction for over 99.9% of all toric prescriptions4
- Incredible all-day comfort2
- High breathability for clear, white and healthy eyes2
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Packaging images for illustration purposes only.
* With myopia or hyperopia with astigmatism.
† Combination of 2022 market research based on global volume data and internal estimates.
1. CVI data on file, 2023.
2. CVI data on file, 2024.
3. CVI data on file, 2020. Review of performance from 11 soft toric CL studies that include MyDay® toric, Biofinity® toric and Avaira Vitality® toric; n=409.
4. CooperVision data on file 2021. Rx coverage database; 14 to 70 years.
For the device safety, warnings, precaution, and local regulatory information, please refer to the Instruction for Use leaflet.
SA13071 / APP135599