Hello, thank you for your visit to the Centre of Innovation. We'd love your feedback. Please take 5 minutes to answer the questions below...

How would you rate the hotel?
How would you rate the pre-trip information?
How would you rate the refreshments at the Centre of Innovation?
How would you rate the tour of the manufacturing facility on Day 1?
How would you rate the information shared during the presentation on Day 1?
How would you rate your afternoon and evening in Budapest on Day 1?
How would you rate the Understanding Your Patients Lifestyle Workshop on Day 2?
How would you rate the Components of Comfort Workshop on Day 2?
How would you rate the Innovative Services from CooperVision Workshop on Day 2?
How would you rate your overall experience with CooperVision visiting the Centre of Innovation in Budapest?
How strongly do you agree with the following statement: "Biofinity Energys with unique Digital Zone Optics offers patients a solution to relieve digital eye fatigue."
How strongly do you agree with the following statement: "I would recommend my patients update their contact lenses if it relieved dryness, tiredness and redness associated with Digital Eye Fatigue."
How strongly do you agree with the following statement: "Biofinity Energys is an innovative solution to relieve the signs and symptoms of digital eye fatigue."