Children’s eye health advice from Dr Sara Kayat

GP and TV doctor Sara Kayat shares her advice to help you look after your children’s eye health.

Just like you’d visit your doctor to check for your general health, you should always go to an Opticians if you have any eye concerns. Free NHS sight tests are available for children under 16 and for young people under 19 in full-time education
Most children love stories and books – if your child doesn’t seem to enjoy reading, it’s worth exploring if this is to do with their vision
Chances of needing glasses or contact lenses can run in the family, so it’s all the more important to check your child’s eyes if you or your partner are a glasses wearer
Going out in the sun? It’s just as important to pack sunglasses for your children to protect their eyes, just as you’d apply sunscreen to their skin
Find an optician that you like, and stick with them so they get to know you and your family history and can provide long-term care for your children