CooperVision Advantage

Our commitment to helping you achieve your goals has never been stronger, that’s why we’ve introduced CooperVision Advantage.™

We believe that the more patients you attract and retain, the more successful you’ll become. And we pledge to support you in making this happen, building everything around helping you grow – today, tomorrow and beyond.

My Lens Life

A fully responsive website which hosts ‘how to’ videos and step by step guides on how to apply and remove contact lenses, as well as FAQs and useful tips and tricks.

Visit My Lens Life


Your must-have practice tool, providing you with a multifocal and toric calculator, Efron grading scales and oxygen maps.

Try OptiExpert

Category Insights

A selection of research based whitepapers which provide category insight to support your business.

Read the whitepapers

Stories from the Chair

We searched the nation for the most inspirational stories where contact lenses made a genuine difference to someone's life, watch to see our favourites .

Watch the videos


Social media User Guides

Useful 'How to' guide on setting up, using and promoting your practice on Facebook and Twitter. 

Download Facebook user guide
Download Twitter user guide


Unlock the Potential

A selection of research findings and powerful patient testimonials to demonstrate how contact lenses can make a meaningful difference to patients’ lives.

Find out more

Marketing Hub

Easy access to marketing and digital assets are ready and available to download and use in your marketing communications, on your practice digital screens, website and social media outposts. Use the link below to login and access the Marketing portal. 

Click here to login and access the Marketing Hub


Upgrade Letters

Letter templates to send to your customers with details on benefits of upgrading to a selection of silicone hydrogel contact lenses.

Download the templates


International Seminar Series


Watch the presentations from our evening seminar with Professor Lyndon Jones around contact lenses - changing perspectives, changing lives.

Watch the videos


