Lens trial drop-outs

Lens trial drop-outs.

Why are over half of the patients that undergo a contact lens trial dropping-out? To help you understand the reasons why and what we can do to prevent it, we undertook research to get some facts and figures on the problems so you can make informed decisions by viewing the short animations below.

The Problem:
Contact lens drop-outs.

Getting patients to trial contact lenses can be easier than getting them to stick with it so we conducted research to discover more about the numbers involved. Watch the video to discover more.

The reasons:
It’s all about timing.

There are two clear reasons why new contact lens patients drop-out, depending at what stage of their lens journey they are on. Watch the video to discover more.

More reasons:
Patients want support.

From the first teach to trial and aftercare, practices don't always offer optimum guidance and support to their new contact lens patients. And it’s often something easily fixed. Watch the video to discover more.

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1. CooperVision, Verve, April 2019, A4. After having the trial, did you go onto purchase contact lenses? All converters (284 respondents); non-converters (228 respondents).
2. Sulley A, Young G, Hunt C et al. Retention rates in new CL wearers. Eye Contact Lens 2017
3. CooperVision. GfK Category Retention Research 2016